My French Journey – Join Me

Starting My Journey to Speak French


Have you ever wanted to converse in French over coffee?  Have you ever wanted to order your lunch in French?  Have you ever wondered if you could travel outside of Paris if you weren’t fluent in French?

The answer is a resounding YES! I had the same goals when I started my French language journey & I’d like to share my journey with you.

Starting My Journey to Speak French1

Whether you are new to learning the French language or have several years of traditional French language education (I can conjugate verbs all day long), we all have one common goal: we want to communicate.

Since I know there are others like me, struggling to learn French, I wanted to share a blog of my journey – complete with successes, mistakes, challenges and new discoveries that hopefully encourage you to keep going.

It’s worth it!

Speaking for myself, my primary goal is to improve my speaking skills. In addition to multiple years of formal education, I have taken classes with many organizations. 

None of them worked for me towards achieving my primary goal.

In 2022 I embraced the Experience France (XPF) program and I’m finally experiencing true progress towards my goals. My recent trip to France confirmed my progress when:

  • I understood 90% of a French tour given by a Calvados maker/apple farmer in Normandy.
  • Reading the labels of burgundy wines and enjoying vineyard tours.
  • At restaurants I was able to order from the French menus.


Bottom line: XPF has helped me become more “comfortable” with the French Language. 

So, join me on my French language/lifestyle journey & let me know your comments/experiences.  Stay tuned to learn about:

Guided by your chef, you will learn how to prepare & cook delicious French cuisine.
Guided by your chef, you will learn how to prepare & cook delicious French cuisine.
  • Car trips in France – paying tolls, speed limits (be careful – they’re not always posted!)
  • XPF Immersions – Paris, Normandy beaches, Maison Fournaise (Renoir’s location for Le Déjeuner – best day for me!)
  • Chateaux, Abbeys & French cuisine – There is a chateau or abbey around every bend in the road & wonderful food when you steer away from the “English tourist menu”.



Experience France - XPF-Logo
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