We’re on a mission to make it easier to acquire languages so that people can communicate better with customers, improve their job prospects & travel the world.

Acquiring languages makes us more employable; at home or over-seas.

Carl Adkins - Founder

Introducing the Mission behind XPF

Help disadvantaged groups acquire a foreign language which will make them more employable & allow them to work abroad or integrate into a new country. (How many people remember nothing from years of studying languages at school? This is what we must change!)
XPF is a language school experience like no other: it offers curated French experiences for people that love France & want to acquire French, not in a classroom, but through our unique & personalised immersion programs. Profits from these activities will be used to subsidise our social goals with other social partners.

The scientifically-proven, natural method (NM), works by following how we all learn our mother tongue – by hearing a language, being physically active with it before speaking and finally writing it.

Read More About Our Approach>>

Profits from XPF will be used to provide coaching to local dis-advantaged groups.

If you want to become a chef, improve your knowledge of wine or the tour de France then you will experience your chosen subject (cooking, viticulture, cycling etc.) in French, with guides passionate about your subject & not fixated on grammar rules. This is known as Sheltered Subject Matter Teaching (SSMT) or put simply:

Hear French, Experience French, Speak French.

Let’s be honest, most people don’t want to learn French or a second language as their #1 goal. They want to open their own restaurant, work in tourism, become an artist, photographer, footballer or simply earn more money.

We will subsidise access to the skills they need but delivery will be in French for native English speakers & vice versa for French speakers.

Speaking more languages increases the customers you can talk to, countries you can advertise in or travel to in search of work or a better quality of life.

They are experts in their own fields (French cuisine, travel & tourism, cycling tours, sports coaching etc.) so we don’t need to change their existing courses, travel experiences, or expect them to become language teachers.

What we do is transmit the Natural Method (NM) guidelines and some simple rules. We can also provide XPF guides for group or individual sessions online or in-person where necessary. (If you’d like to support our social mission by applying the XPF Approach to your community please ask us about our coaching guide & reading list.)

We bring them new customers & students and, where possible, help subsidise their disadvantaged groups through our commercial activities.

This is not charity; as a social enterprise we have to be commercially viable to continue our support.

Experience France - XPF-Logo
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