Learn French Naturally

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On the Road with XPF - Learning French Naturally

See What a Normandy Immersion Feels Like

We can’t video a complete immersion with us so to feel what an Impressionist Immersion, “on the road with XPF”, is like then please take a look at this lovely video from the Normandy Tourist Board.

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Exploring Rouen.

Based upon our guests’ interest in local history, our expert guide takes them inside this macabre “Black Death” courtyard. When the “Black Death” is next studied we use actual stories and video from the visit to create meaningful lessons. (This is known as comprehensible input.)
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Paris opens her doors again!

Ok; we don’t like wearing masks either but if it means that we can get back to experiencing all the lovely places in Paris then let’s “mask up”! 

Bringing Impressionist Art to Life

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